20190930 PR TG4001 ESMO EN
Category: Press release
Transgene Confirms the Timeline of its Clinical News Flow and Presents 2019 Half-Year Results
Transgene Receives Approval from the French Health Authority (ANSM) to Initiate Two Clinical Trials of its Lead myvac® Individualized Immunotherapy TG4050
20190916 PR ANSM TG4050 EN
Transgene Announces Upcoming Investor Meetings
20190829 PR financial Agenda
Transgene Provides an Update after the Interim Futility Analysis of the PHOCUS Study of Pexa-Vec in Liver Cancer
20190807 – Transgene Update EN
Transgene Provides Update on PHOCUS Study of Pexa-Vec in Liver Cancer Following Planned Interim Futility Analysis
20190802 PHOCUS Interim Analysis US
Transgene Receives MHRA Approval for a Clinical Trial of TG6002, a Next-generation Oncolytic Virus, Administered by Intrahepatic Artery Infusion in Patients with Colorectal Cancer with Liver Metastases
20190718 – TRANSGENE PR MHRA TG6002
Transgene Receives MHRA Approval for Lead myvac® Individualized Immunotherapy, TG4050, to Commence Clinical Development in HPV Negative Head and Neck Cancers in the UK
20190710 PR MHRA TG4050 EN
Success of Transgene’s €48.7 Million Rights Issue
Transgene Announces the Launch of a Rights Issue