A. Samson et al.AACR 2023Download the poster herePoster Presentation
Category: TG6002
Updated data of biodistribution and activity of oncolytic virus TG6002 after intravenous administration in patients with advanced gastrointestinal carcinomas
V. Moreno et al. ESMO 2022 Download the poster here Poster Presentation
Transgene presents data from Phase I clinical trial confirming the potential of the oncolytic virus TG6002
Transgene presents data from Phase I clinical trial confirming the potential of the oncolytic virus TG6002
3D organoids derived from patients’ lung tumors: a tool for investigating the potential of oncolytic viruses
Poster BT-001 Hélène Lê et al. EUROoCS 2021 Download the Poster here Poster Presentation
Transgene presents initial Phase I data of TG6002, highlighting the potential of the intravenous administration of its oncolytic viruses
20210409 – TG6002 AACR EN
High Oncolytic Activity of a Double-Deleted Vaccinia Virus Copenhagen Strain against Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma
Tiphaine Delaunay, et al. Molecular Therapy Oncolytics, September 2020 – Read the article and view videos Publication
Positive initial data from a Phase 1 trial with Transgene’s oncolytic virus TG6002
20200908 Transgene TG6002 Phase 1 EN
Preclinical Evaluation of the Oncolytic Vaccinia Virus TG6002 by Translational Research on Canine Breast Cancer
Jérémy Béguin, et al. Molecular Therapy Oncolytics, September 2020 – Read the article Publication
Safety studies and viral shedding of intramuscular administration of oncolytic vaccinia virus TG6002 in healthy beagle dogs
Jérémy Béguin, et al. BMC Vet Res., August 25 2020 – Read the article Publication
First Patient Dosed with Transgene’s Oncolytic Virus TG6002, Administered by Intrahepatic Artery Infusion in Colorectal Cancer with Liver Metastases
20200220 PR FPI 6002.03 EN