Ethics and compliance

Transgene, in the conduct of its activities, aims to act with integrity and in full compliance with its regulatory and legal environment. Transgene has set up a compliance program addressing business ethics, the protection of personal data and including specific tools, such as a whistleblowing system.  The Internal Audit department of Institut Mérieux, Transgene’s parent company,… Continue reading Ethics and compliance

Management committee

Management committee Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Executive VP, & Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) VP, Pharmaceutical Operations & Qualified Pharmacist VP Medical Affairs & Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) VP, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary Human Resources Director VP, Chief Business Officer  


Transgene complies with the corporate governance recommendations of the MiddleNext Code of Governance for Mid and Small Caps (the Code) (Code de gouvernement d’entreprise des valeurs moyennes et petites de MiddleNext). MiddleNext is an independent society representing midcap public issuers; the Code is largely referred to by small, mid and even large cap firms and… Continue reading CORPORATE GOVERNANCE


Board of Directors Chairman and CEO Honorary Chairman Director Director Director, Chairman of the Strategy Committee Independent Director, Chairman of the Clinical Development Committee Director Independent Director, Chairwoman of the Audit Committee Independent Director, Chairwoman of the Compensation committee Independent Director Director, represented by Sandrine FLORY (Chairwoman of the ESG committee) Last update : May… Continue reading conseil

Transgene sa
400 Boulevard Gonthier d’Andernach - Parc d'Innovation - CS80166
67405 Illkirch Graffenstaden Cedex - France |
Tel. : + 33 (0) 3 88 27 91 00


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