produits : TG4050 teaser


One patient, one cancer, one vaccine

With TG4050, Transgene is developing an individualized immunotherapy based on multiple advanced genetic engineering technologies and cutting-edge artificial intelligence capabilities, together with NEC.

Each treatment is based on an optimized viral vector, that is customized and manufactured for each patient. It integrates the most relevant tumor targets (patient-specific neoantigens) selected by NEC’s AI.

Once injected into the patient, the vaccine aims to inducing a specific immune response, enabling individualized targeted destruction of tumor cells.

Two clinical trials are including patients in the USA, in the UK and in France.

myvac® video

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400 Boulevard Gonthier d’Andernach - Parc d'Innovation - CS80166
67405 Illkirch Graffenstaden Cedex - France |
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