Prof. Jean-Yves Blay

Independent Director, Chairman of the Clinical Development Committee 

Jean-Yves Blay is Professor of Medical Oncology and has been General Director of the Léon Bérard Center in Lyon since 2014. He holds a PhD obtained in 1994 from the Claude Bernard University in Lyon and has been authorized to supervise research since 1996. He currently leads the LYriCAN project (integrated cancer research) at the French National Cancer Institute. Former president of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer, Prof. Jean‑Yves Blay is currently director of the NETSARC network accredited by the French National Cancer Institute and president of the French Sarcoma Group. At international level, he is a faculty member of the ESMO (European Society of Medical Oncology) and the SPH (Scientific Panel for Health).  He has led the European Commission’s Conticanet network and is currently leading the Eurosarc FP7 project. Author of more than 500 international publications, Prof. Jean-Yves Blay advises various national and international research organizations and institutions. His work has been rewarded by several prizes including that of the French National Academy of Medicine, which he joined as a corresponding member in 2014.


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