Achats – Contact supplier

Purchasing & Supplies

Purchasing Policy:

Transgene’s Purchasing policy aims to serve the Company’s strategic challenges based on the pillars of our business: innovation, responsiveness, quality and cost control.

We value long-term and trustworthy relationships with our suppliers in order to guarantee the best support to Transgene’s development.

We count on our providers’ and suppliers’ innovation and responsiveness capabilities as it is essential to develop our clinical products in a competitive environment.

The research, development, and manufacturing of pharmaceutical products require irreproachable quality of the goods and services we purchase. We also need transparency, in order to meet strong regulatory constraints and above all, avoid all risks for the patients we treat.

Our business model imposes a perfect control of our expenses to preserve our financial resources.


Supplier Ethics:


The relationship between Transgene’s buyers and their suppliers go beyond the simple purchase of goods or services. Transgene’s buyers apply a code of ethics in their relations with their suppliers. Its rules are designed to protect the interests of both parties and to set up a relationship based on trust and on the following principles: competitive tendering, equal opportunity in the tendering process, confidentiality, integrity and courtesy. In addition, the company strives to select suppliers that demonstrate a consistent commitment to high ethical standards and requires its selected suppliers to adhere to the company’s code of ethics.

Download our Code of Ethics.



Transgene sa
400 Boulevard Gonthier d’Andernach - Parc d'Innovation - CS80166
67405 Illkirch Graffenstaden Cedex - France |
Tel. : + 33 (0) 3 88 27 91 00


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